Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Ms. Pittsburgh and Yinz Yang wish you all the best in 2011!

The end days of 2010 came and went in a flash.  If this blog were a movie, the following would be a dramatic montage set to something like Chariots of Fire.

(sorry Mr. Wollenberg)

At Heinz Field's "classy tap", Iron Mike (aka "Pops"), Amy, Ms. Pgh, and Greg find themselves caught in a Gerhard Richter painting.

Spotted en route to killing time before visiting the Miniature Railroad and Village at the Carnegie Science Center...For the masses of gambling bicycle activist-types in your life, there's a forlorn, token bike rack at Rivers Casino, just a football's throw from the Valet driveway!  I wonder if you could ask the valet to lock you up?... 

This tree wishes it looked this good

In the words of Marissa's wonderful friend Kate whose middle name is Munhall after the borough of the same name, I give to you my personal motto for 2011: "EVER FORWARD".  May it be a wondrous year for all of you, your families, and for your sports teams.


  1. Thanks, Kate! I mean Ms. Munhall!
    See you soon!
    -Ms. Pittsburgh
