Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Coming into the light

Now that it's truly, officially spring (seeing as our first 80 degree day is behind us), I feel ready to admit publicly that it took a lot longer for me to shake our super bowl loss than I imagined.  I thought this image would be a fitting return to the blog as it bookends immaculately with my last entry, composed and posted just minutes before kickoff of that fateful game back in February.  The residents of the apartment whose deck used to don adjacent GB and Stillers flags must have been feeling depressed too, or perhaps highly conflicted, or at the very least wary of the sensitivities that neighbors and passers-by might have to their long-standing message.  Maybe all of the above.  

Anyway here's to spring and sunshine.  In that spirit I welcome a new shirt to the Yinz Yang design line, should be up on the internet this week.  Check back!

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