I was so thrilled to see that with 7 minutes to go in the 4th quarter and a modest, 3-point lead, the Patriots decided to throw a bomb to the end zone--into double coverage--on 1st down. This showing of greed and false bravado on part of Belichick and Brady bore chilling resemblance to one of our nation's most embarrassing media/foreign relations/war stunts. Announcing victory before completing the job!
Q: Why not just hold onto the ball and run the clock?
A: Cuz that just ain't the American way!!! We gotta show 'em it wasn't a contest to begin with!
Luckily however, it was a very close and substantial battle. In fact, the Ravens should have won the game! Dropping balls in the end zone and missing field goals are Steeler-esque mistakes and I share in the sudden shock that the Ravens and their fans are surely feeling.
If you're still reading this after my military-sports complex metaphors, congratulations! You are about to be handsomely rewarded. I've always suspected that you may be able judge the quality of a team's leadership by the superfluous entertainment company they keep in their luxury boxes and on the victory platform. Who's that on the left-hand side of the frame?
And creepin up on Belichick?
Eww gross! I could tell Steven Tyler's hair had ambitions!
How embarrassing!
Good thing our unofficial team mascot is this guy: